Kablo Vrchlabí

Kablo Vrchlabí is a traditional manufacturer of cables for the automotive industry, building wires and 1kV cables, flexible cables and special cables according to customer requirements. Cables for automotive industry are available for different temperature classes (up to 260 ° C) with different types of insulating and sheathing material.

We produce harmonized types (HARs) from flexible conductors and cables. We also offer a large number of cables manufactured according to customer specifications. The range of special cables includes control cables, blasting cables, and cables according to US (UL) standards.

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Kablo Vrchlabí s.r.o.
Českých bratří 509 | 543 01 Vrchlabí | Czechia

Billing information

Kablo Vrchlabí s.r.o.
Českých bratří 509 | 543 01 Vrchlabí | Czechia

ID No.: 05593174
VAT ID No.: CZ05593174